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BERLIN / MUNICH / WASHINGTON: The second meeting of the International Dialogue on STEM Education (IDoS) brought together eleven representatives of three Peer organisations, developing the field of STEM Education for Sustainable Development in their respective regions: the Smithsonian Science Education Center (SSEC) in Washington, Siemens Stiftung in Munich, and the "Haus der kleinen Forscher" Foundation (Little Scientist's House) in Berlin.

In their virtual meeting, the Peer members further clarified their roles in the network. The "Haus der kleinen Forscher" Foundation and Siemens Stiftung specified their role as "Architects" of the network, meaning that they provide the overall strategy and structure, give support & services, identify possible Peer candidates and coordinate topics for the dialogue. This clarification of roles is to be recorded in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and will be adopted at the next meeting.

The main topic of the dialogue meeting was to share insights on each Peer organisation's network structures. Each Peer shared their experiences with building and maintaining networks for the development of the educational field in the respective regions of the world. The discussion was very fruitful and led to the idea of a joint paper based on the differences and overlaps in the field of networks. The next Peer meeting is planned for November 30, deepening the topic of social impact networks.

Three Peer Organisations: Working Towards a More Sustainable Future

The Peers are the first three members of the newly formed IDoS Peer Initiative, each peer organisation working as part of and promoting a wider network, motivated to learn from and with the best players in the field of early STEM Education for Sustainable Development. All Peers share a common ground regarding their mission and approach of empowering people and communities, engaging educational institutions in STEM Education, enhancing children's educational chances, and contributing to sustainability in education and society. Another Peer will be added to the network by the end of the year.

In the meantime, find out more about our International Peer Dialogue.

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