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Studies and research projects evaluate the Foundation's work and support the development of new focus topics. Here we list the results of completed studies. With the exception of the Institutional Evaluation of Stiftung Kinder forschen, all these studies are available in German only.

Accompanying Research for the "Stiftung Kinder forschen" Programme (2014)

Key Findings

Early Childhood Educators' and Primary School Teachers' Professional Development (2017-2018)

The study EpFL MINT (Early Childhood Educators' and Primary School Teachers' Professional Development) examined typical developmental trajectories in early childhood educators and primary teachers in STEM education, their learning needs, and the implementation of learning content from continuing professional education activities into the everyday pedagogical life of the institution. The project was jointly funded by Stiftung Kinder forschen (Little Scientists Foundation) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. A summary of the study can be provided upon request.

EASI Science and EASI Sience-L: Studies on the Impact of Early Childhood Science Education (2013-2017)

Conducted by: IPN Kiel, Prof. Dr. Mirjam Steffensky; Freie Universität Berlin, Prof. Dr. Yvonne Anders; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Prof. Dr. Ilonca Hardy; Universität Koblenz-Landau, Prof. Dr. Miriam Leuchter (EASI Science) 

Conducted by: Universität Regensburg, Prof. Dr. Astrid Rank; Universität Koblenz-Landau, Prof. Dr. Anja Wildemann; Universität Heidelberg, Prof. Dr. Sabina Pauen; Universität Augsburg, Prof. Dr. Andreas Hartinger (EASI Science-L)

Institutional Evaluation of Stiftung Kinder forschen (2013)

Conducted by: External evaluation panel, chaired by Prof. Dr Olaf Köller, IPN Kiel

© Christoph Wehrer / Stiftung Kinder forschen

Scientific Studies Series

We regularly publish the results of our studies on changing topics in our scientific series. The volumes form a basis for dialogue between science and practice.

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Studies in German

The following studies are available in German only and not linked here. Our translations of the titles appear below in square brackets. Please get in touch, should you request any more information on the content of the studies.

Studie zur Zertifizierung von Einrichtungen als "Haus der kleinen Forscher" (2012-2013)

[Study on the Certification of Institutions as a “Little Scientist's House”]

Conducted by: Freie Universität Berlin; Prof. Dr Yvonne Anders, M.A. Itala Ballaschk

Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt "Frühe Technische Bildung" (2011-2013)

[Research and Development Project, “Early Technical Education”] 

Conducted by: Karlsruhe University of Education; Dr Maja Jeretin-Kopf, Prof. Dr Walter Kosack, Prof. Dr Christian Wiesmüller

Prozessbezogene Qualitätskriterien für den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht – Zehn Kriterien für wirksames didaktisches Handeln im Elementar- und Primarbereich

[Process-Oriented Quality Criteria for Science Education – Ten Criteria for Effective Educational Action in Pre-Primary and Primary Education] (2013)

Conducted by: Freie Universität Berlin, Prof. Dr Jörg Ramseger

Zieldimensionen naturwissenschaftlicher Bildung im Grundschulalter und ihre Messung

[Dimensions of the Objective of Primary School Science Education and their Measurement] (2012) 

Conducted by: Freie Universität Berlin, Prof. Dr Yvonne Anders; Goethe University Frankfurt, Prof. Dr Ilonca Hardy; LMU Munich, Prof. Dr Beate Sodian; IPN Kiel, Prof. Dr Mirjam Steffensky

Zieldimensionen naturwissenschaftlicher Bildung im Kita-Alter und ihre Messung

[Dimensions of the Objective of Preschool Science Education and their Measurement] (2011-2012) 

Conducted by: Freie Universität Berlin, Prof. Dr Yvonne Anders; Goethe University Frankfurt, Prof. Dr. Ilonca Hardy; Heidelberg University, Prof. Dr Sabina Pauen; IPN Kiel, Prof. Dr Mirjam Steffensky Innovative Teaching for Effective Learning (2012) Conducted by: The OECD

Entwicklung des Verständnisses zum Thema Akustik bei Kindern im Alter von 3 bis 10 Jahren

[The Development of the Understanding of Acoustics among Children Between the Ages of Three and Ten] (2011)

Conducted by: Heidelberg University, Dr Susanna Jeschonek

Entwicklung des Verständnisses des Phänomens Magnetismus bei Kindern im Alter von 3 bis 6 Jahren

[The Development of the Understanding of the Phenomenon of Magnetism among Children Between the Ages of Three and Six] (2010) 

Conducted by: Heidelberg University, Dr. Susanna Jeschonek

Bemerkungen zu den Konzepten der Stiftung "Haus der kleinen Forscher"

[Comments on the Concepts of the “Haus der kleinen Forscher” Foundation] (2010) 

Conducted by: Dr. Salman Ansari

Entwicklung mathematischer und naturwissenschaftlicher Kompetenzen in der frühen Kindheit

[The Development of Mathematical and Scientific Competencies in Early Childhood] (2009-2012) 

Conducted by: Heidelberg University; Dr Janna Pahnke, Prof. Dr Sabina Pauen

Trainerinnen und Trainer im Haus der kleinen Forscher

[“Stiftung Kinder forschen” Trainers] (2011) 

Conducted by: ZNL TransferCentre for Neuroscience and Learning; Maren Lau, Michael Fritz, Dr Katrin Hille

Einführung des Schwerpunktthemas Mathematik mit den Mathematikkarten der Stiftung "Haus der kleinen Forscher" - Ein Modellprojekt im nifbe Regionalnetz SüdWest

[Introduction to the Key Topic of Mathematics with the Mathematics Card Sets of the “Stiftung Kinder forschen” Programme. A Pilot Project in the nifbe Regionalnetwerk Südwest] (2010-2011) 

Conducted by: University of Vechta; Dr Gabriele Grieshop, Prof. Dr Martin Winter

Monitoring von Motivationskonzepten für den Techniknachwuchs

[Monitoring of Concepts for the Motivation of the Next Generation of Technology Professionals] (2011) 

Conducted by: acatech / University of Stuttgart, Prof. Dr Ortwin Renn

Expertise: Experimentieren in Kindertagesstätten. Eine exemplarische Studie zu Ko-Konstruktionsprozessen von Erzieherinnen und Kindern

[Expert Report: Scientific Inquiry in Early Childhood Education and Care Centres. An Exemplary Study on Co-Construction Processes on the Part of Educators and Children] (2011) 

Conducted by: Martin-Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg; Prof. Dr Ursula Rabe-Kleberg, Franziska Kramer

Expertise zur Reflexion der Ziele und Angebote des Programms "Haus der kleinen Forscher" sowie Empfehlungen für eine weitergehende wissenschaftliche Belgleitforschung

[Expert Report on Reflection on the Objectives and Offerings of the “Stiftung Kinder forschen” Programme, and Recommendations for Further Scientific Accompaniment] (2009-2010) 

Conducted by: Freie Universität Berlin / International Academy (INA), Dr Christa Preissing, Dr Elke Heller

Erzieherinnen und ihre Haltung zu Naturwissenschaften und Technik für Jungen und Mädchen. Eine qualitative Pilotstudie in Kindertagesstätten Sachsen-Anhalts

[Early Childhood Educators and their Attitude Towards Science and Technology for Boys and Girls. A Qualitative Pilot Study in Early Childhood Education and Care Centres in Saxony-Anhalt] (2009-2010) 

Conducted by: Martin-Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg; Prof. Dr Ursula Rabe-Kleberg, Franziska Schulze

Naturwissenschaften und Technik in Kindertageseinrichtungen: Eine Expertise zur Fortbildungsstruktur der Stiftung "Haus der kleinen Forscher"

[Science and Technology in Early Childhood Education and Care Centres: An Expert Report on the Professional Development Structure of the Stiftung Kinder forschen] (2009-2010) 

Conducted by: ZNL TransferCentre for Neuroscience and Learning, Petra Evanschitzky

Pädagogischer Ansatz und Multiplikatorenmodell der Stiftung "Haus der kleinen Forscher"

[Pedagogic Approach and Multiplier Model of the Stiftung Kinder forschen] (2009-2010) 

Conducted by: The State Institute of Early Childhood (IFP); Anna Spindler, Dr Dagmar Berwanger

Entwicklung mathematischer und naturwissenschaftlicher Kompetenzen in der frühen Kindheit

[The Development of Mathematical and Scientific Competencies in Early Childhood] (2009-2012) 

Conducted by: Heidelberg University; Dr Janna Pahnke, Prof. Dr Sabina Pauen

Trainerinnen und Trainer im "Haus der kleinen Forscher"

[“Stiftung Kinder forschen” Trainers] (2011) 

Conducted by: ZNL TransferCentre for Neuroscience and Learning; Maren Lau, Michael Fritz, Dr Katrin Hille

Einführung des Schwerpunktthemas Mathematik mit den Mathematikkarten der Stiftung "Haus der kleinen Forscher" - Ein Modellprojekt im nifbe Regionalnetz SüdWest

[Introduction to the Key Topic of Mathematics with the Mathematics Card Sets of the “Stiftung Kinder forschen” Programme. A Pilot Project in the nifbe Regionalnetwerk Südwest] (2010-2011) 

Conducted by: University of Vechta; Dr Gabriele Grieshop, Prof. Dr Martin Winter

Monitoring von Motivationskonzepten für den Techniknachwuchs

[Monitoring of Concepts for the Motivation of the Next Generation of Technology Professionals] (2011) 

Conducted by: acatech / University of Stuttgart, Prof. Dr Ortwin Renn

Expertise: Experimentieren in Kindertagesstätten. Eine exemplarische Studie zu Ko-Konstruktionsprozessen von Erzieherinnen und Kindern

[Expert Report: Scientific Inquiry in Early Childhood Education and Care Centres. An Exemplary Study on Co-Construction Processes on the Part of Educators and Children] (2011) 

Conducted by: Martin-Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg; Prof. Dr Ursula Rabe-Kleberg, Franziska Kramer

Expertise zur Reflexion der Ziele und Angebote des Programms "Haus der kleinen Forscher" sowie Empfehlungen für eine weitergehende wissenschaftliche Belgleitforschung

[Expert Report on Reflection on the Objectives and Offerings of the “Stiftung Kinder forschen” Programme, and Recommendations for Further Scientific Accompaniment] (2009-2010) 

Conducted by: Freie Universität Berlin / International Academy (INA), Dr Christa Preissing, Dr Elke Heller

Erzieherinnen und ihre Haltung zu Naturwissenschaften und Technik für Jungen und Mädchen. Eine qualitative Pilotstudie in Kindertagesstätten Sachsen-Anhalts

[Early Childhood Educators and their Attitude Towards Science and Technology for Boys and Girls. A Qualitative Pilot Study in Early Childhood Education and Care Centres in Saxony-Anhalt] (2009-2010) 

Conducted by: Martin-Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg; Prof. Dr Ursula Rabe-Kleberg.

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